Happy Father’s Day 2019 from Capella Preschool!
Over the years, the society’s view on the role of the father has changed, which has led to many more responsibilities being added on. Fathers used to be seen majorly as the breadwinners of the family, while mothers took care of the children and matters at home.
In our modern days, many factors have brought women out of homes into the working world. Therefore, fathers are no longer seen as just financial providers, they have to start taking up more responsibilities and being available for the children. And “being available” is more than just being present. It is being sensitive, supportive, and providing “tender loving care”. Perhaps many fathers are going to agree with me that these added on responsibilities are not exactly in the nature of most males, and thus taking such responsibilities and being good at it is a huge challenge.
As an early childhood educator, I have witnessed these changes in the recent years and have seen fathers getting more and more involved in their children’s education! It warms my heart to see such great effort fathers make for their children, and no doubt, they will always be a superhero in their children’s eyes.
To all our superhero Dads, Happy Fathers’ Day! We love you three thousand! 😉
Have a Fun Father’s Day,
Capella Preschool Team